On 1/8/06, candy ccanddyy@yahoo.com wrote:
I tried to import the entire english wikipedia dump(some 15 gigs) in to mediawiki1.4. The entire process took 2 days and then, it seems nothing happened ! I got an error like the following in between somewhere.
ERROR 1062 (23000) at line 28: Duplicate entry '1' for key 1
But the import was not aborted. So I let it continue.
I never tried importing the dump in MediaWiki 1.4, but I had the same problem in 1.5. The solution for me was to empty some tables first. In 1.5, the following does the trick: Run "mysql -u root -p wikidb" and give the commands "truncate page; truncate revision; truncate text;". My guess is that in 1.4 you need to do "truncate cur;".