On Tue, Aug 5, 2008 at 12:18 AM, Brianna Laugher brianna.laugher@gmail.com wrote:
How many bugs are entered, on average, each week, or month?
For bugs that are resolved/verified/closed, what is the median time for a bug to reach that state?
Actually how many bugs in total are there, and how many are in some closed state and how many are in some open state?
For MediaWiki alone, there are currently 2121 bugs in the NEW/ASSIGNED/REOPENED status, which is the normal status for any non-completed bug. See http://tinyurl.com/5qxksb.
The problem with bugs is that they can't always be compared. A bug open for a year might be in that state for any number of reasons. Lack of interest is one, difficulty of solving the problem is another. Some bugs aren't relevant anymore.
For those who aren't aware, there's a bugzilla keyword called "testme" that is useful for putting on old bugs that may or may not be fixed. Sometimes bugs are no longer bugs, because they were accidentally fixed (ie: Fixed but the fixer was unaware of an open bug for it), or the bug becomes a non-issue entirely due to a rewrite, etc.
A good effort might be spent in trying to clean up the old bugs. Find out if they're relevant, get updates, and try to put them behind us.