On 11/08/2012 09:43 AM, Sumana Harihareswara wrote:
When you want to pair program with someone far away, what do you use? I just read about Collide:
Collide has "line numbering, syntax highlighting, auto-completion, and real-time file tree manipulation" but the syntax highlighter doesn't support PHP yet, just JavaScript, Python, CSS, and HTML.
Do any of you use Cloud9, Brackets, emacs + xhost, or some other tool/service? Do you recommend them? http://etherpad.wmflabs.org/pad/ is all very well and good but it doesn't support syntax highlighting.
A quick note that another engineer mentioned to me an experimental plugin for Sublime http://www.sublimetext.com/ that does remote pair programming. Sublime is released under a "You can try it forever, but please buy a license code if you like it." license and runs on OSX, Windows, and Linux.
Tutorials: https://tutsplus.com/course/improve-workflow-in-sublime-text-2/. They'll get you started (especially with plugins). https://tutsplus.com/lesson/multiple-cursors-and-incremental-search/ is especially persuasive, I'm told.