On Mit, 2003-01-22 at 16:03, Magnus Manske wrote:
<layout image right> => <table align=right width=1><tr><td align=center> </layout> => </table> (or </td></tr></table>)
A table containing an image should be as wide as the image itself. That way, you do not need any arbitrary breaks in the text. That's one reason I think this kind of layout should be supported by our [[Image]] syntax.
[[Image:Foo.jpg width=400]] -> generate 400 pixel wide version and show that one, image links to original size version
[[Image:Foo.jpg showtext]] -> show the text of the image as caption
[[Image:Foo.jpg right]] -> embed in right-aligned table which uses the image width as width
For other tables, we should develop a table syntax, as is already being discussed on Meta. I do support the eventual goal of getting away from HTML, but only if we can do everything we're doing now. Note that we'll have to do *lots* of replacing and rewriting if we ever disable HTML.