You are right! I used https version. Using simple http protocol etherpad service works again.
Thanks a lot!
Best regards, Samat
On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 15:31, Hydriz Wikipedia wrote:
You are probably using the HTTPS version of this service, use the insecure gateway for now (if that is the error you are encountering).
On Wed, Mar 21, 2012 at 10:28 PM, Samat wrote:
If I am writing to a wrong address, please let us know.
I used etherpad for a long time without any problem. Now, if I open an etherpad window ( I got this message after a few second: "Disconnected.
*Lost connection with the EtherPad synchronization server.* This may be
to a loss of network connectivity.
If this continues to happen, please let us know in new window)."
If I reconnect, this happen again after a few second. My internet connection work properly.
If I click "let us know", I got an other error message:
"Oops! A server error occured. It's been logged.
Please email if this persists."
Does this problem come from my computer (which is a new one and I have never used etherpad on it)?
Should I write a message to or how could I use etherpad?
Thank you for your help.
Best regards,