Oo also! Mukunda and Tyler and I did some work over the last couple of weeks to make bootstrapping new repos on deployment servers easier and decoupled from trebuchet. You don’t need to do this now if your repo is already cloned on tin, but you might want to anyway. snap deployed repos should be added the list of sources in hieradata/common/scap/server.yaml (in prod)[1]. For deploy-service repos, you don’t need to add any new keyholder_agents, but adding an entry in sources will ensure that your repo is cloned on a newly provisioned deploy server. To do so, add:
<service-name>/deploy: ~
to the list of snap::server::sources there. (The tilde just makes scap::source use default params.) See scap::source docs for more info[2].
I’ve updated Marko’s Services/Scap_Migration page with this step.
[1] In labs deployment-prep, use hieradata/labs/deployment-prep/common.yaml [2] https://github.com/wikimedia/operations-puppet/blob/production/modules/scap/...