Hi all,
I am trying to import the full english wikipedia in mediawiki 1.4. As its 1.4 it does not have importdump.php. I am trying to use mwdumper. But it gives a strange error.
I used the following command :
java -server -jar mwdumper.jar --format=sql:1.4 pages_full.xml.bz2 | mysql -u root -p wikidb
where "wikidb" was the database i created while installing mediawiki1.4
It asks for password ..which i put in ..then it gives the following error:
Error 1146(42SO2) at line 31 : Table 'wikidb.old' does not exist
And then continues running adding pages and their revisions.So it runs but will it work ? Given i get that error at first ?
... any clues ??
Previously , I have imported into mediawiki1.5 using importdump.php ... but because of some reasons I have to move to 1.4 now..
You help will be highly appreciated