Timezone CODES are present on [2] I just found that _Sourceforge_ has a wonderful list of timezode codes (on your account management page [2], if you have an SF account ), which could be use immediately for MediaWiki
Why am I calling here, what is missing ?
I would need all the corresponding Timezone OFFSETS as used by sourceforge, which I only can get via a personal contact. (I have list of timezone offsets at hand, but want to save time)
<select NAME="timezone"> <option VALUE="US/Alaska">US/Alaska</option> <option VALUE="US/Aleutian">US/Aleutian</option> [ hundreds of lines deleted for conciseness ]
<option VALUE="UCT">UCT</option> <option VALUE="Universal">Universal</option> <option VALUE="UTC">UTC</option> <option VALUE="W-SU">W-SU</option> <option VALUE="Zulu">Zulu</option> </select></td>
Please can you help me ? Is someone of the Sourceforge staff listening here ? I like to receive the list of the corresponding offsets
[1] http://bugzilla.wikipedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=505 Specify timezones by location, to allow automatic adjustments of timeoffset and daylight saving time (DST) [2 ] http://sourceforge.net/account/