Sergey Chernyshev wrote:
Yeh, I was actually surprised that there were no abstract classes to base extensions on, but this might actually be good if flexibility is needed - we don't know what people would want to extend and at some level using abstract class might reduce possibilities, although it this class is not mandatory, then it's a good help for new developers.
I think starting with some code that people can reuse might be a good first step to identifying the right structure of classes, although I have quite little experience in extension development and there might be a good approach that'll cover most of the cases.
With widgets (which I probably should announce with separate email with thorough description) the idea was to separate the task of backend development and front-end development since vast majority of widgets are just some chunk of HTML and JS. There are still several tasks that backend needs to do, but they all standardized and Smarty is doing most of the work (I had very little idea about various templating frameworks and it was the only one with some authority).
I don't see the point of abstract classes to base extensions on, what would they accomplish?