good work!
Small bug: On the image page, the image is a self-link. Go to & click on the image.
- thumbnail to generate a right aligned thumbnail of the image, using the caption text as image caption, adding an enlarge icon to the image and a [more] link to the big image
Please get rid of the icon, or put it -under- the images (right-aligned with the caption, perhaps). The [more] link also is redundant, we should either have the icon or the [more] link, but not both (the icon can have [more] as an ALT text). It was probably hard to embed the icon, but I really think this behavior should be turned off ASAP -- works of art should not be obscured by zoom icons just because we assume the lower right corner is "not important".
Could the "thumbnail" option accept a width parameter? Personally I would probably always want to specify my own width, depending on the context. But I would like the zoom link (*below* the image) and the caption to be included regardless, thus a "thumbnail + width" combination would be most useful to me. I also think "thumbnail" should be shortened to "thumb". Neither term makes much sense for those not in the know already.
It would be very neat to have an option to use the image page content itself as a caption -- tricky to code though. We may also want to think about making image pages look less hacky -- with a human-readable title and the image history somewhat more separated from the image content.