Hi all,
It's been almost a month since the last post in this 'flagged revisions' thread (sincere apologies if I've failed to find discussion which has no doubt been occurring on lists and wikis everywhere!) - I wanted to ask for an update from the folk at the coalface working on getting flagged revisions ready for the english wikipedia.
There's a growing perception over at the english wiki that there is technical programming work still outstanding in order for the flagged revisions extension to be enabled - this is somewhat at odds with my previous understanding that in fact, the code was ready. I think it is becoming rather important for us to be very clear about the status quo.
(for example see jimbo's comments; http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Wikipedia:Advisory_Council_on_Proj... ensuing discussion about whether or not more programmers would be helpful :-)
It would be great from my perspective to answer the following questions;
- Who will 'make the call' to switch flagged revisions on for the english wikipedia - Brion? another developer? foundation staff? - Is there any more technical programming outstanding to complete the extension? - Does the team / person responsible for completing this work feel adequetely resourced? - is there any more the community or foundation can do to expedite?
If foundation staff, and not the technical team, are delaying the activation of this extention, perhaps for PR reasons to co-incide WIkimania and Flagged Revisions, then to a degree I understand - I do however feel that the english community would appreciate this information - in many ways it's a volatile time amongst the en editors ('ain't it always!), so openess and transparency become even more important!
best regards,
Peter, PM.