On 11/06/14 16:18, Daniel Friesen wrote:
- ((In other words, the library we're entrusting all our SMTP handling
to is practically dead and no longer maintained, Whoops.))
Only 3 open bugs though. Sometimes code just keeps working for decades, even without being maintained. Some might even call this a goal.
And to sprinkle this all off, because mail() and PEAR Mail are so different, half the code in UserMailer::send() is split into two different large code paths, which is a recipe for maintenance headaches.
It's only 50 lines of code each way, which is not quite enough to give me a headache. It could use refactoring, but it wouldn't take long to refactor 100 lines of code.
- All this gets bundled into the tarball directly, so $wgSMTP now works
out of the box and doesn't require installation of something that in some situations is impossible to install.
That is a nice feature, yes.
-- Tim Starling