(Nick Reinking nick@twoevils.org):
As far as the \n closing, I can change it to behave like that, although it seems clearer to me if it continues to span lines (ala HTML). It doesn't bother me either way (other than a bit more coding). Do a lot of people not close their ''/'''/'''''s?
Wiki syntax is a line-based syntax. There is /no/ wiki markup that spans lines. It makes editing much simpler: if you make a mistake and forget to close something, it gets closed off quickly. HTML is not designed to be human-editable; wiki syntax is.
This is how it works, based on what seems to be represented on http://www.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia%3AHow_to_edit_a_page
'' ... '' <---- <em> ... </em> ''' ... ''' <---- <strong> ... </strong> ''''' ... ''''' <---- <strong><em> ... </em></strong>
Sure, those are the easy cases. The code version before this one did those right, but screwed up on other cases (like ''a'''b'''c''). Like I said, half the battle here will be defining exactly what /should/ be done in all cases.