Hello, I see that for the 1.16 release many hooks were added in EditPage.php. First of all, I would like to thank the developers for making my job much easier: in the past I had to override entire methods of EditPage to implement the visual editor.
I would like to get rid of all the messy stuff and use the new "clean" hooks, but I'm still having some issues:
1) I use the EditPageBeforeEditChecks hook to add a checkbox to disable MeanEditor. However, I also need to set it to the correct value. Right now, I am overriding the entire showStandardInputs function just to change line 1749 (referring to http://svn.wikimedia.org/viewvc/mediawiki/branches/REL1_16/phase3/includes/E...). Am I missing an obvious solution here?
2) I would like to disable the default toolbar when the visual editor is in use. In the past, I used to override the entire showEditForm method and reset the $toolbar variable. How can I accomplish this now?
3) I need to add the 'wymupdate' class to the standard buttons (submit, preview, diff, etc.). Is there a clean way to do this without overriding the entire getEditButtons method?
Thanks in advance for answers -- Jacopo Corbetta