Hi Everyone,
I searched the archives of both list and couldn't find any thread about it. I could miss it, so sorry it it already has been discussed.
We all know that uploading a file on commons, and on Wikimedia, is kind of tricky nowdays. However, this could be changed thanks to HTML5.
HTML5 includes the drag and drop thingy that makes the uploads easier and that can automatically fetch the EXIF datas. If we want we could even allow the multiple drag and drop.
Anyway this could be a solution to look at, you can get more information there : http://hacks.mozilla.org/2009/12/firefox-36-fileapi-demo-reading-exif-data-f... and there : http://hacks.mozilla.org/2009/12/file-drag-and-drop-in-firefox-3-6/
All the best,