@ori: You might want to look into the different @import options before being so dogmatic. In particular, the media-query restrictions are probably very useful to MW. The (less) option also allows overriding CSS files, which can help prevent the "everything must be less!" problem. And the (reference) option would let you use ResourceLoader to bundle files as usual while *also* allowing less overrides. This could be important when we're trying to override styles defined in a different resource loader bundle.
@dan: the particular "less isn't very powerful" issues I'm concerned about are the ones solved by compass. As is well-known, there is no equivalent to compass for less, and is not likely every to be, since less can not express the transformations required. Compass uses ruby code to do this w/ sass. For example, https://github.com/chriseppstein/compass/blob/stable/lib/compass/sass_extens... the code in compass in order to generate clean gradient specifications that work with all major browsers (including synthesizing SVG background images where required). (Spec in http://compass-style.org/reference/compass/css3/images/ ). Now, maybe we don't actually need all that power. But the automatic cross-browser compatibility it allows sure is nice... --scott