Awesome plans. I lack time, PHP experience, and experience with the wikimedia codebase to help you in a more meaningful way (as in: help you write it). nonetheless, very good idea, and very useful functionality
On Tue, Mar 13, 2012 at 1:50 PM, Petr Bena wrote:
Hi, it's been almost 4 years since we came with the idea of implementing an OAuth to mediawiki. I think it's time to start. Question now is if it should be a part of core or extension for mediawiki. I myself would rather make it as extension, since there is probably no use for most of installations, except for large wikis.
Quote: OAuth provides a standard protocol to negotiate secure access tokens and to provide third-party tools (web or client) with granular access to private resources. This protocol does not reveal usernames or passwords to the third-party tool. Offering OAuth based authorization on Mediawiki wiki's will increase the reusability of its data and spur the creation of an ecosystem of app's around Mediawiki.
Is there anyone who is willing to help with this? If there is no one interested in this, or no comments, I would start a new extension called OAuth, which only purpose would be to enable this feature in mediawiki.
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