On Wed, Dec 11, 2002 at 09:53:01AM -0500, Poor, Edmund W wrote:
It sounds like your primary interest is porting Wikipedia software to your own machine, rather than improving the operation of the Wikipedia itself. Is this correct?
No, that was my initial interest. But if I'm going to do a redesign, my perfectionist streak says "Let's do it RIGHT". Doing it The Right Way means solving the current problems with the software as well, including scalability etc. I do entertain a little fantasy that the software might one day be used to run the Wikipedia, and that I could put that on my resume, but I recognize:
a) I can't make a replacement for the current Wikipedia software by myself, without input from others
b) Someone else may come up with other software that the Wikipedia community feels more comfortable developing.
So I leave myself a fallback position; even if Wikipedia doesn't adopt the software, coding it won't have been a waste of my, or other peoples, time.