2009/3/25 David Gerard dgerard@gmail.com:
2009/3/25 Thomas Dalton thomas.dalton@gmail.com:
An extra column in any table with a "user id" column for "original user id" (which would be identical to user id for the vast majority of rows) would be sufficient for most unmerges. There would still be a problem if an account was involved in more than one merge, though.
I can see such being the case, e.g. prolific sockpuppeting vandals. However, preserving the "original UID" in all merges would likely suffice - I mean, a complete unmerging would be OK in all cases I can think of.
True, you could completely unmerge and them just remerge the parts that should be merged. Rather cruel on the servers if the accounts have been prolific, but it would work. (I'm not sure why we would want to merge sockpuppeting vandals, though - just block them all individually.)