Hi everyone,
It's been a while since I've updated the notes from our test framework meetings, so I just did so today: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Meetings/Test_framework
The meeting earlier today is here: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Meetings/Test_framework/2010-12-02
Not a lot of context in those, so I'll provide a summary. Markus Glaser has been doing a lot of work over the past month getting the Selenium framework in shape for adding new tests. He also documented what parameters are necessary to run Selenium tests on our test grid, which gives everyone access to many different browsers to test against: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Selenium_Configuration#Sample_configuration_to...
Concurrently with that, Nadeesha and Jinseh at Calcey Technologies have been ramping up on the framework, and have a number of tests that Nadeesha will be committing in trunk soon.
Our conversation today was brief, and mainly a mundane runthrough of action items. One conversation we did drift into was one about installer testing, after figuring out that that is a weak spot in our coverage right now (as many people refreshing their installs from trunk don't run the installer every time they refresh, and it's one of the big features for the next release of MediaWiki). The framework currently isn't well suited to test prior to the db and everything being set up, so the folks at Calcey are going to spend some time thinking about that.
Since we don't have a manual testing plan for the installer, I've put a stub here: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/New_installer/Test_plan
...and I've asked Calcey to flesh it out. The idea is that once we all agree on what makes sense to test at all (manually, automated, or otherwise), then we can talk about what makes sense to automate.
The installer testing is a plan we've cooked up today, so we haven't even run it past Chad yet, for example (/me waves at Chad).
If you'd like to participate in the meetings, let me know. Our IRC meetings obviously require no RSVP (next one is next week, December 9 at 8am PST on #mediawiki), but our voice meetings we'd like you to RSVP for, since they're still kind of a pain to get going (next one is the week after next, December 16 at 8am PST).