2011/2/19 Mark A. Hershberger mhershberger@wikimedia.org:
27528 JS minification still outputs incorrect javascript for some input
Currently only describes hypothetical problems, one of which even JSMin doesn't solve. The reporter said they had some C code that might be useful, so I asked them to provide it.
27496 Edit screen autoscrolling
I'll investigate this next, after dinner.
27544 SVG images that are invalid XML no longer rendered
TheDJ and Bryan are investigating this and seem to have made some progress.
27524 LocalisationUpdate failed
Almost fixed. LocalisationUpdate runs happily again, but its results aren't getting synced to the cluster just yet because a cron job needs to be updated, and I don't have access to it. I have been poking Mark, will try poking Ryan, but I'm not very optimistic since it's Saturday.
27495 Change NS_USER and NS_USER_TALK namespaces at ptwiki
Hashar fixed this.
27328 using relative paths in CSS imports in MediaWiki:Common.css broken in 1.17
I fixed this in trunk, will deploy later today.
27489 Update math/texvc module on WMF projects
I'll poke at this later.
27302 RL: Avoid unnecessary and uncached requests for user and site modules
Fixed in trunk.
27355 Classic edit toolbar buttons fail in IE6 when WikiEditor automatically falls back 27534 proofreadpage JS error.
Will investigate these two later.
24859 Redirect to mobile gateway should be handled on the server-side rather than the client-side
That's a WMF issue that's difficult to resolve, and it's been an issue long before 1.17 was deployed.
27472 Foreign files now have (( )) instead of ()
Had to do with the LocalisationUpdate problems, was fixed earlier today.
27352 Wikimedia deployment needs /w/resources directory symlinked or overridden for debug mode
I'll look into that.
Roan Kattouw (Catrope)