Mike O wrote:
Can someone explain how to programatically find the current text of a redirected article? I can't seem to figure this out. Say for example 'article A' is created, then moved to 'article B' then moved again to 'article C'. The Page table has an entry for 'article C' (and 'article B' for that matter) with the original page_id assigned when the article was first created as 'article A' along with a page_latest pointer to the record in the Revision table as rev_id. In the Revision table record there is rev_text_id which has a record number pointer to the actual article content in the Text table. But, since the article was moved twice, the record in the Text table isn't the right record - it's the original record, not the current record.
That is indeed the right record.
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)