How about finding users who haven't contributed anything, but upload files?
Nice idea, but what if they learn to edit/save a page, changing nothing (or leaving their own "signature")? Or they fill their user page with random stuff?
I think the soultion for the upload page is as follows: * Only certain file types are allowed (JPEG/JPG/PNG, maybe) * We need a better way to link to images ([[image:xyz.jpg]], for example), so we can maintain a list of used images * A better structure is needed for storing these files (S/ST/STUFF.JPG instead of just stuff.jpg, for example) * A better "recent uploads" page. The log page is a total mess :(
This should make it easy to get rid of the vandals and still keep the "good guys" going:) But, this seems to be better suited in the new codebase (hear me, Lee?:)