On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 11:36 AM, Anthonywikimail@inbox.org wrote:
The software supports automatically preserving the standing flagging (or some portion of it) when users with the authority to set those flags make edits. This eliminates the inherit doubling.
Does that flag the entire article, or only the change?
Individual revisions are flagged. So for the first time a page gets flagged, the person setting the flag will be expected to look over the entire article to make sure there is no lingering vandalism. If there is an earlier flagged version, and intermediate revisions are not flagged, then someone setting a flag on a new edit will be expected to check the changes since the last flagged version. Automatically flagging will mean something along the lines of "the immediately previous version is flagged and the person who made a change from that is trusted, therefore the change is trusted, therefore the whole article remains flagged."
-Sage (User:Ragesoss)