Last January 12, some web technology enthusiasts attend the first MediaWiki meetup / orientation in Makati City, Philippines.
Here is the photo from fb: https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/71495_101512067261443...
Part of the things discussed is having a workshop for aspiring developers. Since our community is in its infancy and there is scarcity of subject matter experts, may we ask your assistance in planning and developing this outreach workshop.
Part of the assistance include:
1. Having a resource speaker / guru to train and assist our future local tech trainers 2. Creation of a workshop module that include exercises and practice tests
Depending on the outcome of our plan, we are targeting to have this started this April in time on our Summer break. Summer in the Philippines coincides with Spring in other places in the northern hemisphere.
Thank you.