Brion Vibber wrote:
For '' and ''' we produce <em> and <strong> tags rather than <i> and <b>. Is this right or wrong?
Considering how our end users use them, it probably is wrong now that you mention it. People use them just for italics and bold, they don't reallly mean "em" or "strong" by them, not usually anyway.
I've always thought (and we used to talk about it more) that it'd be cool if wiki markup supported just a touch more semantics. For example, it'd be nice to have a way to do
<person>Thomas Jefferson</person> <nation>Germany</nation> <book>Gone With the Wind</book> <movie>Gone with the Wind</movie>
just because there would be a lot of neat stuff that could be automated if we had that.
But the hairy problem, as yet unsolved, is how to do that in a manner that is sane, consistent, easy to learn, etc.
Another thought -- in most cases, when we have semantic markup, we are probably also desirous of linking to another article. The remaining cases, where we want to do something in the text but *not* link to another article, are probably almost all purely presentational.