There's a typo in install.php script. It has: copydirectory( "./stylesheets", $wgStyleSheetsDirectory ); while it should have: copydirectory( "./stylesheets", $wgStyleSheetDirectory );
The end result is that *.css files are copied to "/" instead of "${IP}/style"
Krzysztof Kowalczyk
Index: install.php =================================================================== RCS file: /cvsroot/wikipedia/phase3/install.php,v retrieving revision 1.4 diff -u -r1.4 install.php --- install.php 28 Apr 2003 18:14:48 -0000 1.4 +++ install.php 29 Apr 2003 07:03:51 -0000 @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ copyfile( ".", "texvc.phtml", $IP );
copydirectory( "./includes", $IP ); -copydirectory( "./stylesheets", $wgStyleSheetsDirectory ); +copydirectory( "./stylesheets", $wgStyleSheetDirectory );
copyfile( "./images", "wiki.png", $wgUploadDirectory ); copyfile( "./languages", "Language.php", $IP );