Actually, Wikia recently upgraded to "a" 1.12alpha version (Though, it's a real old alpha... r26409 before 99% of the new features like the parser, viewing diffs of deleted revisions, rss feed on linked changes, protection of nonexistant pages) See: However, of course as it's the largest Wikia wiki Central has not got the upgrade yet. Nearly every other wikia has it now though.
But Wikia uses a hack to includes/SpecialListusers.php (I've seen the code, you can't do what they need to do without hacking core) in addition to using a number of extensions that Wikimedia wiki don't use and which the latest alpha versions commonly break support for until they catch up with the next release. However, that listusers issue is something I actually addressed on bugzilla, perhaps someone should look over my patch on bug12542 if you want to make it any easier for Wikia to keep up with trunk. Remember that Wikia has almost 6000 wiki and it's hard to make sure that updating anything on them all (including extensions which are on older versions) doesn't break any of the techniques used on any of the wiki.
It's another matter, but Wikia is also having a little issues with setting up an area for it's "Volunteer Developers", we'd help package up code and make things releasable, but there's no real place to do that.
~Daniel Friesen(Dantman) of: -The Gaiapedia ( -Wikia ACG on ( -and (
MinuteElectron wrote:
Simetrical wrote:
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 7:13 PM, Ben wrote:
Also as a side note, the installation requires modification to AjaxFunctions, which deters a bit from installing due to having to remember that you made that change..
Don't a few Wikia people have commit access precisely so they can add hooks to avoid file edits? The change looks like it could be done pretty easily by adding a new hook.
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Wikia don't currently use MediaWiki trunk, surprisingly they use 1.10alpha (probably due to the amount of customizations they have making it difficult to upgrade), so any changes to the MediaWiki core wouldn't help them. I suppose that if Wikia stayed at the bleeding edge like Wikimedia they would have an easier time upgrading, although they don't have direct control over MediaWiki in the way Wikimedia have so this would be harder to accomplish.
MinuteElectron. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.8 (MingW32) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
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