Sorry about the super super late reply.
On 6/4/14, 2:12 AM, Daniel Friesen wrote:
On 2014-06-04, 1:29 AM, Legoktm wrote:
A few more updates about the RfC after the IRC meeting. In case you missed it, the logs are at [1].
== Extension locations == We agreed that we should require extensions to all be in the same directory, but that directory should be configurable. By default it will point to $IP/extensions.
I still do NOT like this idea.
By all means there should be one directory for extensions that are managed by a web/cli installer and the method of loading extensions from that one directory should be simple even when we're still using a php settings file. But when someone is intentionally not using that and doing complex config then we shouldn't stop them from saying to load an extension from a specific directory.
Ok, I think that's reasonable.
A few other options were discussed in the meeting: wfEnableExtension( 'Math' ); $wgMathSomeOption = 'bar'; Where the function sets the default globals, and then the user overwrites them. This won't work for when we want to store configuration in the database since extensions to be loaded are no longer in an array.
I don't understand where you get this assertion, this should have no effect on whether we can or can't have config in the DB.
A wfEnableExtension would do the exact same thing as $wgEnabledExtensions would do to load an extension, just earlier.
Now looking back, I'm not sure where I came up with that either. What you said makes sense.
I'll work on updating the RfC with this and a few other things today.
-- Legoktm