On 10/24/02 2:48 PM, "Jason Richey" jasonr@bomis.com wrote:
I have installed mailman on the new server to server the wikipedia lists. More specifically, someone requested a list "francais-l" be added to the nupedia domain, but I found that a list by that name is already in use for Nupedia's purposes, so I made it francais-l@wikipedia.org instead. So, we now have the ability to make any wikipedia lists point to wikipedia.org...
So, my question is this: On the old scheme, we prefixed the list name with 'wiki' to indicate that it was for wikipedia. As I copy the old lists to the new server, should I convert the list-names as well? I think not, but I thought I should ask.
Also, are these the only wikipedia lists? I think they are.
Intlwiki-l Wikitech-l Wikipedia-l WikiNL-l
And I think this begs another question. The Dutch list is WikiNL, and the french list is francais-l (though this new list is not yet public). Should we go with a standardized naming scheme on the language-specific (or is it country-specific?) lists. Should I change francais-l to wikiFR-l?
The most important thing is to think about moving to a BBS-style system. Naming conventions aren't terribly important, but I think the "francais-l@wikipedia.org" convention is nice.
It's certainly better to have the wikipedia lists have wikipedia addresses.