On 2013-03-10 2:55 PM, "Nischay Nahata" nischayn22@gmail.com wrote:
On Sun, Mar 10, 2013 at 5:27 PM, Tejas Nikumbh <tejasnikumbh@gmail.com wrote:
I created a bugzilla account but the process of going through the code
fixing bugs seems cryptic. Any resources you can provide which can aid
in understanding the process? A video which shows the process or some documentation perhaps?
Have you already gone through the process of how to be a hacker? http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/How_to_become_a_MediaWiki_hacker
Not a hacker who breaks things of course :)
Hey, if you figure out how to break things, that's useful too, provided you don't actually break things but tell us how they could be broken.