On 29 July 2016 at 02:54, Addshore addshorewiki@gmail.com wrote:
Recently WMDE started rolling out the RevisionSlider beta feature to a handful of wikis.
We wanted to track how many people were using the feature as well as how many people were enabling / disabling it per day.
Getting this data for all beta features is no more difficult than getting it for the RevisonSlider only. Thus we now have this dashboard, Enjoy!
Any comments / suggestions are very welcome.
This is neat; as I mentioned to Adam, there's already the Beta Feature dashboard https://edit-analysis.wmflabs.org/beta-enables/#projects=zhwiki,wikidatawiki,mediawikiwiki/metrics=Flow%20Beta%20Enables that Collaboration quickly made with Analytics in February, which tracks enables and disables of individual Beta Features; it currently only tracks the two features the Collaboration team built, but it does have the advantage of data going back more than to Tuesday. :-)