I'm looking for the history of extension usage in enwiki. I asked for that in the IRC and was told that all the information can be found in the two files: CommonSettings.php and InitialiseSettings.php.
One of my main problems is that there are so many ways extensions get included in the CommonSettings.php…
for example: include( $IP . '/extensions/Renameuser/Renameuser.php' ); include( "$IP/extensions/AntiBot/AntiBot.php" ); include $IP . '/extensions/AntiSpoof/AntiSpoof.php'; include "$IP/extensions/WikimediaMessages/WikimediaMessages.php"; require( "$IP/extensions/Oversight/HideRevision.php" ); require_once( "$IP/extensions/LocalisationUpdate/LocalisationUpdate.php" ); require "$IP/extensions/UserDailyContribs/UserDailyContribs.php"; (I don't think this list is complete)
The next problem is that I have to look at the InitialiseSettings.php for a lot of extensions:
CommonSettings: if ( $wmgUserDailyContribs ) { require "$IP/extensions/UserDailyContribs/UserDailyContribs.php"; }
InitialiseSettings: 'wmgUserDailyContribs' => array( 'default' => true, ),
The other problem is getting all versions of these two files and correlate them to figure out which extensions were live in enwiki.
Another idea was to look at the History of Special:Version http://web.archive.org/web/20120126235208*/http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spec... but I don't think the history there is complete (there is a big gap in 2007).
Can anyone help me creating a list like this for enwiki:
kind regards,