On Jan 4, 2004, at 04:03, Brion Vibber wrote:
Is anyone else testing with Apache 2 who can confirm this problem (particularly on Linux)?
I've duplicated the problem on a machine running Fedora Core 1, which has Apache 2.0.47 installed.
In addition to the content-encoding problem, I've noticed that the content-type header lists the wrong charset encoding when (otherwise correctly) showing cached pages, compressed or not. Redhat/Fedora uses UTF-8 as the default locale charset, and apparently inserts this into the default content-type header; in at least some browsers this overrides the meta tag in the HTML which says it's ISO 8859-1. Viewing non-cached pages (logged in, or diff views etc) the correct encoding comes through.
This looks like a related problem to the gzip headers; something involved in the cache system stops headers from getting sent through after a certain point.
On both the FreeBSD and Linux systems the apache installations were stock (from ports and from OS-provided rpms), PHP from source configured so:
./configure --enable-shmop --with-zlib --with-mysql --with-iconv --with-apxs2filter=/usr/sbin/apxs --with-readline --enable-sockets'
(on FreeBSD /usr/local/sbin/apxs and also --with-tsrm-pth)
Dropped into /usr/local/lib/php.ini: register_globals = On
Dropped on the end of httpd.conf: AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps DirectoryIndex index.html index.php
-- brion vibber (brion @ pobox.com)