Following approval by TechCom and WMF Interim CTO Erika Bjune, I've moved the new Gerrit privilege policy page out of my userspace to
This is a merge of two pages: [[Gerrit/+2]] and [[Gerrit/Project ownership]], with some additional changes. I've now redirected both of those pages to the new policy page.
The main changes are:
* The wmde LDAP group, representing WMDE staff members, will be given +2 access to mediawiki/* projects, similar to the rights given to WMF staff members.
* The ability of ShoutWiki and Hallo Welt! to manage access to the extensions they maintain is described and formalised.
* The ownership model for extensions is discouraged in favour of individual requests on Phabricator. An extension owner was able to promote developers to +2 access at their own discretion.
* The Phabricator projects for requesting access have changed. I'm in the process of moving the tickets over.
* The revocation policy has been expanded, better describing the present situation and making several minor changes.
-- Tim Starling