Simone wrote:
i am lost in sites, when i upload a picture where it must go? in * or in
Images should go to Wikimedia Commons ( ) Remember to specify the license.
i didn't understand... another thing is that to take the token the user must be logged, and i have seen that every country has got different logins, for examples: my login of is different than so the user must choose first the domain where want to log and after take the token to upload the contents...
Not exactly. They are different accounts, but they are linked through Single User Login (aka SUL), so when you browse from to you would continue being logged in, and even get an account autocreated if needed (unless you unchecked that checkbox on the login page).
That said, your app requeriments may vary. For instance, an extension could be bundling its own images, whereas that wouldn't be practical for a javascript gadget.
Also, was the login question related to you app? I don't think you should be processing logins...