On Sat, Jun 03, 2006 at 07:17:50PM +0200, Steve Bennett wrote:
Can you explain the goals of "semantic markup" a bit further, so I can give a meaningful reply?
I'm not one of the developers of the Semantic Mediawiki extension, but I am a user (most notably on the Bible Wiki at http://bible.tmtm.com/) and for me the two key goals are:
1) Internal queries - being able, for example, to dynamically display a list of all the rulers of Judah in chronological order (http://bible.tmtm.com/wiki/King_of_Judah)
2) External queries - the data that is annotated in the text can be retrieved as RDF (http://bible.tmtm.com/wiki/Special:ExportRDF/Rehoboam) which can then be fed into an RDF reasoner. As well as being able to use this data locally, this will become increasingly useful as search engines start to gain the ability to work with structured data rather than just raw text. (See announcement just this week for Pingerati)