well, I don't know where to address this to, so I address it to this mailing list in the hope that it will not be entirely wrong.
As I'm going to write some converter for wiki markup, I need a way to interprete quotes ('). As this is something really not trivial, I thought of copying the function doQuotes from the mediawiki software.
The Problem is the Licence: the function is licenced under the GPL, this means, that my 'derivative work' has to be licenced under the GPL, too.
Well, I thought of publishing the source code, too, but I'm more a fan of the Creative Commons licences (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/de/ in this case, to be precise). But this creates trouble with the GPL, which makes it impossible to use the CC licence.
Does someone know a solution of this problem?
Regards, Eckhart