I've been tracking a performance problem which took me into this profiler autoloading code by way of a false trail, so I am ignorant of the development history, but at least I have come to this with fresh eyes. I have also trawled the DL for relevant threads, and my topic is related to a thread "Dropping StartProfiler.php", 25-28 Dec 2011, largely between Daniel Friesen and Tim Starling. (I've just subscribed to the DL, so can't pick up the thread references).
I have some general observations:
1) Profiling is a rare activity undertaken by developers and sysadmins, so given the autoload architecture, it makes a load of sense simply to not load it at all for normal mediawiki use. The use of the functions wfProfileIn and wfProfileOut facilitate this.
2) However, at the moment db/Database.php (793) and other routines invoke Profiler::instance() unconditionally which causes at a minimum ProfilerStub instantiation.
3) The profiling architecture allows the binding of context parameters during the instantiation of profiling extension classes, yet the configuration by setting of the array $wgProfiler[] does not enable these to be passed to the invoked $wgProfiler['class'] class.
4) Whether singleton templates are recommended is at least controversial topic. Nonetheless, MW does use a number of classic singletons, for example MessageCache. However, IMO, the Profiler class is an anomaly in that it is sort of a singleton hybrid -- see instance() and setInstance() methods. Doing this is confusing and seems to add zero value.
5) As discussed by Daniel in the above referenced thread, the only modules included between Profiler and LocalSettings are Defines, StartProfiler and DefaultSettings. Bypassing StartProfiller, Defines and DefaultSettings set configuration defines and global variable, so little is to be gained in profiling them.
And so to my suggestions:
A) Modify WebStart to remove all Profiler class related requires and move the wfProfileIn( 'WebStart.php-conf' ) statement below the LocalSettings load
B) Move wfProfileIn() and wfProfileOut() to GlobalFunctions, since this is truly what they are.
C) Add an additional wfProfileEnabled() to GlobalFunctions which guards any reference to Profile or its extended classes by a test of $wgProfiler. Replace the ungarded Profiler::instance()->isSub() in db/Database.php et al by a wfProfileEnabled() test. This plus (B) means that the Profiler classes will not be autoloaded at all under normal circumstances.
D) Profiling can now simply be enabled by setting $wfProfiler = new ProfilerWhateverWanted( ... whatever params are wanted ... ) in LocalSettings. The profiler extension and base class will then be loaded by the autoloader except in the case of a custom profiler which will need an explicit require. Forget the idea of using an array format for $wfProfiler. This seems to have been for dogmatic reasons and isn't fully implemented anyway.
E) If dynamic enabling / disabling of profiling is needed to achieve timeline windowing then this can be done easily by setting, say $wfProfilerTemp to the profiler extension class instance and setting the $wfProfiler global to this variable as required and unsetting ditto.
F) Hence the guard test in wfProfileIn(), wfProfileOut() and wfProfileEnabled() becomes the simple and lean (function call + 10 opcodes according to VLD): if (!isset( $wfProfiler ) return;
G) Make Profiler a simple (non-pseudo singleton) class as it will be autoload as the base class of any specific Profiler extension . As $wfProfiler is used to contain the global profiler extension class instance then, instance() and setInstance() add no value.
I can provide my patch which implements this, if wanted. Comments?
Regards Terry Ellison