What do you think of the colors in the Cologne Blue skin? (I really think we need to finish cleaning up Cologne Blue and make it, or a variant of it, the standard skin. It's a darn sight nicer looking!)
I like the current menu structure of the standard skin better, especially with regard to special pages. (Also, having a heading like "Page options" if there are only three items seems like overkill.) Neither "New pages" nor "Image list" nor "Statistics" seem particularly important, and for the other special pages there no longer is the quick access drop down from the standard skin. I also think it's a bad idea to have the search box in the menu bar as it's too small.
Furthermore, I can see why you want underlined links - with that skin it really is necessary because of the dark link color. That is a bad default choice because it makes the "Underline links" user preference almost useless.
I do think we need to agree on a standard skin for the different language Wikipedias. Consistency is important.