On Mon, Aug 06, 2007 at 08:51:39PM +0200, MESHine Team wrote:
MESHine lets you search Google, Yahoo and/or Pubmed/Medline (Google Scholar, Scirus) and harvest results directly into your personal infosphere, where you can store, collect, annotate personal information collections. Metatags (MeSH terms, keywords) can be reused instantanously to re-search again using the above search engines. If you like, you can republish your Web Collections to the public or selected user groups. Moreover, browsing the web, MESHine bookmarklet lets you add more links to existing or new Web Collections (just like delicio.us or other bookmarking services).
IA reminder, in case this hasn't occurred to me: *lots* of people, many of them with intentions antithetical to those of your users will be *very* interested in what your users are saerching for.
People like their health insuror?
You might want to point that out to people when they're considering such republishing.
Cheers, -- jra