Ok, cool ! It's not hurried... anyhow the misspeling page don't work well on french wikipedia ;o) It don't check accent while it is the more common misspeling in french (with double consonant). Can you add the misspeling function to "class Language" that we can make a different version for "class LanguageFr" ? Regards,
Sorry I just think there are perhaps a more easy way. I don't know exactly what this used for :
"linktrail" => "/^([a-zàâçéèêîôû]+)(.*)$/sD",
But perhaps we can use a different filter (it is?) for the misspelling page. For search page -> we want to find page even if we forget an accent For misspelling page -> we want to find pages where there are accent misspelling
An other question : I have the developper statute on CVS. If I finally succeed to connect to CVS from my office I will be able to make my own update. Who to ask before to do any update ? This list ? Where can I found the "todo list" ? I'm video-game programmer so I'm more efficient in hard core coding than in data-base programming.