On 7/6/07, David Storey dstorey@opera.com wrote:
Bug ID: 267448 URL: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Main_Page Issue: Text cut off on Wikipedia
Description: The text in the "tabs" at the top (main page, discussion, view source, history) is cut off at the bottom. The text is too far down in the box compared to Firefox.
http://en.wikipedia.org/skins-1.5/common/wikibits.js?73 contains fixes for specific browsers. We've made changes to font-size calculations in 9.5 that breaks these fixes
Fix: change the javascript that gives font-size fixes to Opera to just give those fixes to Opera below version 9.5.
To confirm,
1) The appropriate user-agent detection method to detect Opera 9.5 or later is something like navigator.userAgent.search(/Opera/(9.[5-9]|[1-9][0-9])/) != -1? I.e., we should check for the substring Opera/9.5 or some later version number?
2) It's the following rules that need to be deleted for Opera 9.5?
#p-cactions { margin-top: .1em; } #p-cactions li a { top: 2px; }
(It's not tough to guess, since there are only three rules needed, now one. Good job on that. :) And actually, I'm not sure if the third is even necessary, because it seems to exactly duplicate the usual rule for #bodyContent a.external.)