Ashar Voultoiz wrote:
The bugmeister position could be the one in between the two roles and setting the priority accordingly. Each level of priorities would need different review frequencies which you described properly.
My recommendation: lock the priority field to a handful of people excluding the end users and developers.
Locking the field would deter gnome-labour on bugzilla. I wouldn't lock it more than the equivalent of an autoconfirmed level. Although given that it is defined as how often the Bugmeister will look at the bug, I don't think other people would be interested on it or even find it useful.
== severity ==
I do not like the proposed severity meanings. They should be described as the effect/impact on the software. A proposition would be:
blocker: prevents development work critical: affecting the whole software (crash, data lost...) major: making only part of the software unusable, regressions, make a functionality totally unusable. normal: default minor: not important functionality change, workaround exist trivial: nice to have, comments issues, cosmetic, typos .. enhancement: feature request
I would usually call a crash or data lost a blocker (although it could be downgraded if they affect just one piece -like the installer- or happens only once in a blue moon).