2012/10/11 Emmanuel Engelhart emmanuel@engelhart.org:
I massively re-use medias from commons and I'm unable to simply (automatically) get the related author and license "attached" to each document I copy. As far as I know this is not possible (for example using the API, or dealing directly with information in the DB coming with the dumps).
It should be possible to extract the license templates from the dumps, and even from the API. It is more difficult to do this with the author, especially with pictures moved from Wikipedias, but still, there is a lot of code out there written specifically to extract this kind of information.
I did something last year for exporting the files from WLMRO to Europeana: http://code.google.com/p/wikiro/source/browse/trunk/robots/python/pywikipedi... It was done very quickly and it probably has some bugs. Platonides also has something made for these statistics: http://toolserver.org/~platonides/wlm/users.php , although I couldn't tell you where to get the source from.
Having this information (along with other meta-data like coordinates etc.) in the database and API would be useful, but it shouldn't stop you from respecting the licenses' requirements.