I have hand-coded from scratch a concept demo of the phase IV new dynamic layout I'm thinking of. This should be XHTML 1.1/CSS compatible.
When you say coded, do you mean coded, or written? Is there any actual PHP code? I prefer to use "code" for code only, and "write" for HTML/CSS.
Having the page-specific elements "attached" to the page like this is kind of neat. This also applies to delete, protect, watch etc. Putting discussion and content on the same page looks interesting, but won't work well for very long pages. Perhaps there should be a maximum length at which the discussion is linked to instead of embedded.
The search box lacks a go button equivalent. Perhaps something like Everything2's "[ ] ignore exact" could be used.
The discussion background is too dark in this demo, and the table separators are too thick.
The meaning of the [+] is not intuitively clear to me. And what would the [X] for the article display window do?
Please try to think of good ways to integrate the features that are currently running on, namely - section editing - table of contents - appending to the bottom of a page on talk pages ("Post a comment")