I'd like to first say I'm extremely impressed with the amount of expertise I see amongst all of your replies. I think you can comfortably take pride in being a select group of soon-to-be very sought after developers. I personally appreciate the work you individuals have put into the Wiki-revolution; it's made my life that much more pleasant.
I myself, however, am not a web developer, I'm an entrepreneur. I am working on a project that I think will legitimately change people's lives. It starts by creating an online database. From the research that I've done, a MySQL/PHP combo seems the most potent for what I need, and MediaWiki delivers that nicely. I am, therefore, seeking a MediaWiki developer to not simply work for me, but work with me. I have a flexible budget, but I think the money you'd make from the hourly rate is least enticing. You have the chance to be part of something for the greater good, like Wikipedia has been to us, but also the chance to make a healthy fortune should this project head in the direction investors and myself predict it will.
I am carefully selecting a group of 9 individuals for this project, 1 of which is a web developer (the only internet-related position). Please e-mail me if you are interested. I am looking for problem solvers and perfectionists.
Best, Greg