On Fri, Dec 7, 2012 at 2:50 PM, K. Peachey p858snake@gmail.com wrote:
On Sat, Dec 8, 2012 at 12:29 AM, Andre Klapper aklapper@wikimedia.org wrote:
So the aim of the patch was to completely omit bugmail in case of CC list only changes, in order to make IRC + wikibugs-l@ less noisy?
In any case, I'd like to challenge reapplying this patch, because:
- Don't set wikibugs-l@ as globalwatchers if you don't want it to
receive all bugmail about all changes. 2) If you want a certain account to not receive email in case of changing X in Bugzilla, edit the accounts's "when to send mail" settings in Bugzilla to not to send bugmail in case of only changing X. Obviously this interferes with 1) currently.
Wikibugs-l is for technical people that follow it for the bug information, not for "Joe Blogs [added/removed] himself from CC" and CCing doesn't provide any information that is needed for that list, That is why its hacked out. Wikibugs not receiving it is a bonus since it just reads the wikibugs email list and spits it out.
Global watcher is the best option for what we want, Because it always covers the bugs and the only other option really is rely on wikibugs-l being added to the cc list which wasn't a reliable method at all (was used before GW was enabled/present).
Can you propose a better option for this than defaulting the cc'er as wikibugs?
I doub't there are that that many people that want the wikibugs-l list to receive a copy of every single change (Eg: cc changes) to the bug, But that is probably a discussion for another thread.
This. We've had this working for years as-is, and I don't see any consensus to change it (as long as it's continuing to work as expected).