Hello all,
I recently wanted to start up an internal wiki at work, and I wanted the best and most powerful software, so naturally I downloaded the new Wikipedia code base.
I ran into a couple problems with the installation, however, and thought I'd share them with you. I used Apache 1.3.26, PHP 4.2.2, and MySQL 2.23.52.
In the installation file, it should be mentioned that the register_globals setting in the PHP configuration file (php.ini) needs to be set 'On' for recent versions of PHP (4.2 and above, I believe). There are security concerns with this, as I'm sure you're all aware.
There was also a problem creating the database tables. The field 'rc_cur_time' was added to the 'recentchanges' table, but was not put in the buildTables.inc script. A patch is enclosed to fix this.
I had some issues with compiling and installing PHP, but other than that, no major issues. Most of the other problems were because of my unfamiliarity with PHP and MySQL.
Take care,
James Graves