On 09/29/2016 11:23 AM, Steinsplitter Wiki wrote:
Positing it at the village pumpes of the local project (similar to the tech news notifications), for example :-) Or using limited CN banners (similar to the community survey banners).
The local projects in this case are MediaWiki.org, wikitech.wikimedia.org, Phabricator, Gerrit, the technical mailing lists, the technical IRC channels, and Etherpad.
Activity in village pumps or elsewhere on other projects is not in scope.
I think most people active on these projects have already heard about it. In addition to notifying people on the mailing lists (probably the primary way people heard about this) and Phabricator, we've also had in-person events.
The sitenotice is something we started looking into (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:T53wjhp29sgu6jms), and should finish following up on.